Exercise Is Medicine

Online | On Demand | Parkinson’s Specific

Our Programmes, Workouts & Live Classes

How will you Reach Your Peak?

Choose When & How to Workout

We have carefully created programmes and workouts to allow you to exercise at a time, place and frequency that suits you.  

The online clinic is a library of carefully curated workouts and programmes to fulfil all the elements of Parkinson’s specific exercise.

Additional Courses

Pre-recorded courses and workouts in the Online Gym


A series of different dance routines which contain elements of Power, Accuracy & Amplitude as well as intensity and complexity which makes them a perfect exercise for people with Parkinson's.


A five-week course of yoga designed specifically for people with Parkinson's. This programme will be delivered over 5 weeks, each week will build on the last to gradually develop your yoga practise.

Voice Training

A 7 day strong voice training programme developed by speech therapist Esther Grote. You are encouraged to follow the exercises daily to improve voice control, facial movements, breathing and swallowing.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or queries we will be happy to help. Email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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Reach Your Peak.

Parkinson’s specific exercise.

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